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1 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:29:16am

I have no problem with teaching teenagers that abstinence is the only 100% sure way to avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

If we want people to learn to take responsibility for their decisions and their actions, we need to give them the information they need to make decisions.

And heck, if you are out enjoying a walk in the fields or the forest, you might just get your shoues dirty. What the heck is wrong with that?

2 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:43:44am
3 [deleted]  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:53:21am
4 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:54:59am

re: #3 Destro

My most comfortable athletic shoes are the ones broken in after hours of game playing.

Are you comparing women to shoes?

5 [deleted]  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 7:56:30am
6 wheat-dogghazi  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 8:05:24am

I didn't know trolls wore shoes. Must be hard to find size 30 XXXXXXXXwides

7 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 8:32:13am

My mother was from Sweden. Thus, at the tender age of four or five, when I noted the rather obvious anatomical details between guys and gals, I got "The Talk" from her. "The Talk" consisted of her reading to me a section about pregnancy from a medical encyclopedia. She then went on to explain, in great detail, exactly how all this came about (i.e., sex).

Then she went to elaborate this little nugget of wisdom; "If you have sex with a girl, and she becomes pregnant as a result, you will either; A) marry her B) pay for her abortion or C) stand by her side, as is your moral responsibility, and support her through her pregnancy until she delivers the child and gives it up for adoption. Whichever of the three courses of action, it will be arrived at by you discussing it with her. Any questions?" (a bit of paraphrasing, obviously)

Now, my mom (God rest her) was of the rather stern Scandinavian type, so of course, I had no additional questions. But I still tend to think she dispensed some wise advice. And yes, she also told me about condoms as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and/or STD's.

I'm glad she did it when she did, with me being at a young and impressionable age. That way, by the time I was in 2nd Grade, I was able to correct the various misconceptions of their origins my peers had such as kissing, storks, cabbage patches, etc., and was able to explain to them precisely how they were conceived and came into this world, much to the absolute horror of my teachers, who called my mother, and were no doubt horrified even further when my mother told them essentially what she'd told me and they became positively apoplectic when my mom suggested she'd volunteer to come to school and explain such matters to the kiddies if the teachers were too shy, or too priggish, to do so.

8 Tigger2  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 8:57:06am

I don't know what their problem is I never have minded dirty shoes.

9 Romantic Heretic  Wed, Aug 22, 2012 8:58:36am

Abstinence only sex education is like combat training where the only thing the person is taught to use is the bayonet. It's not terribly conducive to survival.

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